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Sitara Thalia Ambrosio

Photojournalist and Visual Storyteller.
Glimpse of Hope: In South Kurdistan
Location: Hanover
Nationality: german
Biography: Sitara Thalia Ambrosio  is a german Photojournalist and Visual Storyteller. She contributing to various online and print media on an international scale. Her journalistic focus revolves around gender-related issues, migration, and human... MORE
Public Story
Glimpse of Hope: In South Kurdistan
Copyright Sitara Thalia Ambrosio 2024
Updated Aug 2022
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Glimpse of Hope  
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The Kurdish people have been persecuted, chased and murdered throughout history. What has always served as a glimpse of hope throughout dark times, is the dream that Kurdish people have the freedom to live their culture, speak their language and build a community under their ideals. In small regions in the Middle East, the Kurdish liberation movement has been able to establish this. One of those is in northern Iraq. 

The autonomous region of Kurdistan has its own government and a standing corps, the Peshmerga. Within the autonomous region of Kurdistan lay the politically independent Kandil mountains, known as the place of retreat of the Kurdish Workers’ party PKK that is viewed as a terror organisation by many Western states. Here people live under the ideals formulated by Abdullah Öcalan.  All this utopia is shaken by internal and external conflicts. The Kandil mountains are targets of Turkish military operations also killing civilians. The Kurdish liberation movement accuses the autonomous region of Kurdistan to tolerate and support this. The struggle therefore continues and the death tolls amongst Kurds keeps rising.

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Glimpse of Hope: In South Kurdistan by Sitara Thalia Ambrosio
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